What is RIPPL?
RIPPL is a project which highlights examples of businesses, organisations, projects and initiatives using bikes, trikes or pedal-power. The project also identifies trends in cycle logistics and aims to share best practices and innovation from across the world.
What does RIPPL stand for?
Register of Initiatives in Pedal Powered Logistics.
Who is involved?
RIPPL is Amsterdam-based writer and researcher Tom Parr, and Nijmegen-based cycle-logistics consultant Jos Sluijsmans. Together, Jos and Tom also organise the International Cargo Bike Festival.
Who funds RIPPL?
In the past, RIPPL has been funded by Topsector Logistiek, through the Dutch sustainable mobility organisation Connekt. Funding for a series of articles on cycle logistics in Groningen in the run-up to the International Cargo Bike Festival in 2019 was provided by Gemeente Groningen.
Are you or your organisation interested in providing funding for RIPPL articles? Perhaps a series of articles based on where you are from, or your industry? Get in touch to discuss the possibilities.
What are the aims of RIPPL?
Although we’re based in The Netherlands, where cargo bikes are fairly common, we’d like to see their popularity grow throughout the world. The potential for growth is huge and the benefits so great that we think it is really important to share and inspire others.
On a global level, the world’s cities are growing and getting busier, and the world faces an unprecedented environmental crisis. Zoom in to the city level, and more people are recognising that shifting urban logistics from delivery trucks to pedal power makes a lot of sense, especially in dense, congested urban areas.
For citizens, pedal powered logistics can lead to less pollution, safer and more liveable streets and opportunities for individual or community actualisation. For logistics operators, there are significant efficiency savings on offer. Government bodies are increasingly recognising the myriad environmental, health and economic benefits.
There are many, many examples of initiatives doing great things in cycle logistics. Through this series of RIPPL articles, we’ve allowed them speak for themselves… What are you waiting for? Start reading here >>>