RIPPL #11: Txita – Activists of Sustainable Transport

TXITA Txirrindak is a cycle logistics company from Donostia – San Sebastian, founded in 2006. Their mission is to improve the sustainability and quality of life in the city by promoting eco‐friendly urban transport, simultaneously establishing a successful model to serve as an example to other cities.

Photo credit: Txita

The initial business model was based on provision of a “taxi-bike” (Bicitaxi) service for citizens and tourists in tricycles. Advertising was also installed on these tricycles, an important source of diversified income.

In 2009 Txita branched out into the last mile (or la ultima milla) distribution business and transport service for small and medium parcel delivery; also using tricycles with a 250kg capacity.

Image credit: Txita

Further innovation has come in the form of a new 7 week pilot project that began in March this year (2017) in conjunction with the Municipality. This project offers customers of local shops in certain postcodes the option of home delivery. Customers can pick a delivery time slot and the shop then contacts TXITA, who collect and deliver the item. Around 30 shops are taking part in the pilot, including bakers, florists and pharmacies and during the initial 7 weeks, it is free for customers to use.

Besides all of this, TXITA are involved in a number of different aspects of sustainable urban transport and cycle logistics. They are involved in a number of projects including the EU-funded Cyclelogistics Ahead and also offer training and consultancy services for other organisations wanting to integrate cycle logistics.

Txita’s music bike: Photo credit: Txita

A busy organisation; and we haven’t even mentioned their music bikes, or how they rode a taxi-bike and cargo bike 786kmto the Velo City conference in Nantes in 2015…

The long road to Nantes. Photo credit: Txita
Innovations: diversification, home delivery
Organisation: Txita
Sector: Private / Commercial
Cities: Donostia – San Sebastian
Country: Spain
Basis: Pilot (home delivery), Permanent (everything else)
Contact: Harri Zuazo Linacisoro